
 PS: Political Science &         Politics                                   Symposium                            Mars 2022    

Editeurs invités: Richard Nadeau (Université de Montréal), Bruno Jérôme (Université de Paris II Panthéon-Assas) et Michael Lewis-Beck (Université de l'Iowa)


Le symposium "Forecasting the 2022 French Presidential Election" publié par la revue PS: Political Science & politics regroupe neuf contributions dont six d'entre-elles développant un modèle de prévision électorale de la présidentielle française.

Pour accéder aux articles, aux méthodologies et aux résultats suivre ce lien https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ps-political-science-and-politics/accepted-manuscripts



Les contributions


Introduction: Forecasting the 2022 French Presidential Election

Richard Nadeau, Bruno Jérôme, Michael S. Lewis-Beck


Forecasting the 2022 French Presidential Election: From a Left–Right Logic to the Quadripolarization of Politics

Bruno Jérôme, Philippe Mongrain, Richard Nadeau


Forecasting the 2022 French Presidential Election with a SUR Regionalized Model

Véronique Jérôme-Speziari, Éric Bélanger


Citizen Forecasting: The 2022 French Presidential Elections

Yannick Dufresne, Bruno Jérôme, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Andreas E. Murr, Justin Savoie


Predicting French Presidential Elections: A Challenge for Forecasters

Mary Stegmaier, Kouakou Donatien Adou


Combining forecasts for the 2022 French presidential election: The PollyVote

Andreas Graefe


Party’s rating and electoral forecasting: the case of French Presidential in 2022

François Facchini


Which Historical Forecast Model Performs Best? An Analysis of 1965-2017 French Presidential Elections

Éric Bélanger, Fernando Feitosa, Mathieu Turgeon


Designing Prediction Markets to Forecast Multi-Stage Elections: The 2022 French Presidential Election

Joyce E. Berg, Thomas S. Gruca, Thomas A. Rietz


A Legislative Majority for the Future President? Revisiting the Phenomenon of Honeymoon Elections Under the Fifth Republic

Bernard Dolez, Annie Laurent



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